Prayer and Waiting - A Poem of Faith and Hope Gospel Inspiration Cover Art


I’ll Pray While I Wait 

When I wait, I turn to prayer,
Seeking comfort and guidance, knowing God is there.
In the stillness of my soul, I’ll find my strength,
For in His presence, my spirit will extend its length.


Isaiah’s words remind me to hope in the Lord,
Renew my strength, and rise above discord.
On wings like eagles, I’ll soar and never tire,
Knowing God’s timing will fulfill my heart’s desire.


In Psalms, I learn to wait with a steadfast heart,
Being strong, taking courage, playing my part.
For the Lord’s timing is perfect and true,
In His plan, I find peace and blessings anew.


Philippians teaches me not to be anxious or fret,
But through prayer and thanksgiving, my worries I’ll forget.
With each petition, I’ll lay before God’s throne,
And His peace, transcending all understanding, will be my own.


Lamentations reveals the goodness of our Lord,
To those who seek Him, blessings are poured.
So I’ll wait patiently, my hope firmly held,
Grateful for His presence, His promises upheld.


In the realm of prayer and waiting combined,
I’ll find comfort, knowing God’s love is intertwined.
Though the journey may be long, and the road unclear,
I’ll trust in His plan, for He is always near.


In the sacred space of prayer, I’ll rest my soul,
Finding hope, strength, and purpose to make me whole.
For in the waiting, my spirit will be renewed,
And in His faithful hands, all my dreams will be pursued.


So as I pray while I wait, my heart will sing,
Grateful for His grace and the peace it brings.
With unwavering faith, I’ll embrace the divine,
Trusting His timing, knowing His love will always shine.

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