My Lord Bled - Christian Poetry Cover Art

My Lord Bled

Long ago, the Prophets knew,
A special love, forever true.
My Lord bled, His heart so kind
A gift of hope for all to find  


Up on a tree, so high and tall
He bled for us, to save us all
He bled for us, to save us all.
His arms stretch wide, so we can see,
A love so big, for you and me.


In Psalms and Songs, the words did say,
My God, My God in His way.
He felt alone, but still, He cared,
To show us love, and how He’s there.
A vision clear, in words so bright,


My Lord they pierced, to make things right.
In Matthew’s tale, a story of grand
“My God,” He said, to heal our land.
When clouds of doubt are in the air,
Remember, God is always there.


My Lord bled to help us cope,
And fill our hearts with endless hope.
In Freedom’s song, His love is strong,
It keeps us safe all day long.
With every beat, His love is true,


My Lord bled for me and you.
So let us sing, this joyful sound,
and the love we found.
His love is big, it’s pure and bright,
It fills our hearts with shining light.


Let’s spread the news, both far and wide,
Of how He bled, and how He died.
To bring freedom to those who are bound.
My God bled to show His care,
A love so big, for us to share.

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